Preparing for Home Staging Day

What Staging Day Takes

Home staging professionals are in the business of preparing homes for sale. But what about preparing for staging day? What goes into preparing for a project? A veteran home staging professional recently shared her ideas with someone new to the business. Here are the tips and tricks she offered to make sure staging day is a success.

Admin Checklist

Make sure your office and administrative tasks are in order. What exactly does that look like? Here are a few things to consider:

  • Make sure you have a signed home staging agreement.
  • Make sure you have payment information and have set clear expectations with the customer of how and when you are going to be paid for your services.
  • Confirm property access or lockbox information. Do you need to pass through a security gate or reserve an elevator? Make sure you have those access points confirmed.
  • It’s also a good idea to have the contact information accessible for everyone associated with your home staging project. That list might include the realtor, the home seller, or property manager.
  • You should also confirm that improvements or remodeling projects are complete and that the property has been professionally cleaned.

These are all things you should do to make sure that your administrative tasks are in order, to ensure you have a successful home staging.

Game Day Mindset

Next up is to get into the game day mindset for a successful staging project. Here are some things to consider to help you get prepared:

  • Take time to reflect on the customer’s expectations and your intended interior design outcome. The best home staging pros set the right expectations and work hard to meet or exceed those expectations.
  • Review your initial proposal and any example photos or design boards you shared with the home seller or real estate agent. This will help guide your mindset as you stage the home.
  • Make sure you have all of the furniture, artwork, and decor accessories you intended for the project. The top home stagers make a detailed checklist for each home staging project.
  • Have a container with cleaning supplies, interior extension cords, light bulbs, and a first aid kit. It’s always best to be prepared.

You are more likely to have a successful home staging implementation if you have all of your administrative items in order and if you are in the game day mindset. We hope these tips help you prepare for staging, and give you continued success preparing homes for sale. At Levitate we have created some of the best technology tools for home stagers, to help take out the friction in the sales pipeline, increase the number of leads, and provide for a successful home staging outcome. Reach out if we can be a resource for you or your home staging business.

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